Hoodies and Sweatshirts

Pick yourself up a cozy Hoodie or sweatshirt!  You'll love it!

I am Not a Social Construct

Social construct:  an idea created  by society that tells people how they should act, look, dress, live, believe, who they should love, etc. 

But, so many of us do NOT fit into the social constructs society says we should.  And you know what? 
That is OK!  It's what makes us beautiful, unique, and diverse.

Be proud who YOU are!  Live and love your way - and remember:
You are Not a Social Construct! 

Strength Is...

Strength is a Woman, a Human, a Man who is True to Themselves. 
We all know how challenging that can be. 
But at some point, we MUST be true to ourselves to be happy. 
So, find a way to take the chance - follow your heart and BE TRUE to  YOURSELF!