About Gay Jaye

Way back in Jr. High and High school (late 70's, early 80's - yes, I'm almost old!) I was teased all the time about my name - Jaye.  'Gay Jaye' they taunted over and over, clearly seeking to hurt me.

Oddly enough, it never really bothered me, but at the time, I didn't know why.  However, I figured it out in 2000 when I had an experience (use your imagination!) that caused me to finally realize, I was indeed Gay Jaye!  That realization certainly answered A LOT of questions I had about myself! 

But, I often wonder, looking back, how did those bullies know I was gay before I did??  I mean, was I that obvious when I saw a super cute very, very, very tomboy classmate, and couldn't stop looking at her???

At any rate, I was 34, a stay-at-home-mom, with a (now ex) husband, and 3 kids when I came out in 2000.  But, for the first time in my life I felt like 'ME'!  I finally fit in my own skin. 
It was amazing!  And - quite frankly, scary as hell!

I was raised to believe that being gay was...NOT OK. Lucky for me, I have a bit of a stubborn streak, and over time, developed a 'fuck you' attitude.  It comes in handy...

The next decade I spent learning more about myself as a human with her own thoughts and ideas, as well as my identity as a Lesbian.  I learned about the incredible and rich LGBTQIA+ community and culture - something that, given my very sheltered upbringing, I knew literally nothing about. 

In 2010 I met my perfect and right partner who I am now happily married to.  They are an amazing gender-neutral spouse who was AFAB, and together we have a healthy give and give relationship.  I also have family members who realized they too are in the LGBTQIA+ community!  Family who are family!  Talk about awesome!

I have spent the past 2 decades educating others in my former career about LGBTQIA+ needs, and have had the incredible honor of supporting many straight parents whose children came out as LGBTQ, as well as many parents who realized they too were LGBTQ!  I have to say, it's been an amazing couple of decades!

Gay Jaye is an effort to raise awareness and acceptance of all the beautiful colors of the rainbow of our incredible LGBTQIA+ community.  We are amazing - unique - and incredibly diverse in who we are. 

I am so proud of our community, of those of in the past who paved the way to a beginning of societal acceptance and equality, and for those who are leading us forward now into a future of complete acceptance, equity, and equality.

I hope you find my designs inspiring, thought-provoking, humorous, and fun! 

Thank you for stopping by and for supporting me!

       Gay Jaye Haleryn